Category: Articles

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George Haines Interview – Part 4

The game we play is, well that’s where the name comes from, baseball. We play one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine,…

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George Haines Interview – Part 3

I think the rules the leagues use are mostly several pages long and are all a little different. They involve how many players are on…

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George Haines Interview – Part 2

[Johnny K, how are you? Guess who’s sitting here with me right now? George Silberzhan. He wrote that book “How to Master the Sport of…

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George Haines Interview Pt 1

In some backwater recess of the internet, I stumbled upon an interview that George Haines had given to George Silberzhan. So that’s THE George Haines…

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Could it be . . . User Error?

I’m cleaning off some of the shelves around here, and it’s funny what kind of things I find that I held on to. One of…

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